Is part of the BOFA spectrum of conditions. SUGOMA- is the fourth stage of BOFA. It supports the infections of ligma to worsen and makes it harder for the immune system to fight, and makes the infections turn into advanced viruses making them stronger and making them non curable. Due to sugoma other gamers got infected with ligma and sugoma. There is no other treatments for sugoma unless you stop the virus from moving on the fourth stage of BOFA by giving treatments.
Doctor: You have sugoma
Patient: Whats sugoma?
Doctor: sugoma balls
by HoovyW34p0nsGuy May 21, 2022
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An unusual stage in the BOFA virus life cycle, the SUGOMA (Serious Unusually Guarded Onlooking Misbehavoural Amogus) virus is an alternate stage two. It causes mysterious behavior, such as people attempting to climb into air vents, pressing staples buttons on cafeteria tables, and generally doing tasks normally considered odd.
A known cure is to eject them out of a door, they will be considered cured.
person 1: sugoma?
person 2: sugoma nuts lmao
person 1: cringe.
by Derpdart May 3, 2022
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Sugoma is a highly contagious deadly disease similar to Ligma.
Me: Hey bro, I thought you were in the hospital because you had Sugoma.

Friend: Huh, What’s Sugoma?
by TylerNinjaBlevins69 March 17, 2022
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Just a casual Chinese waiter, until he's not...
Hey bro, you know Sugoma?


Sugoma NUTS
by Yes sir I am sir. November 30, 2022
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Sugoma is a terrible disease it will torture and murder you that's how powerful it is

I have sugoma?????? Probably from playing fortnite aka shitnite
by Doge master June 14, 2022
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Dont fall for sugoma jokes
Me : Omg sugoma just died
Friend : Who's sugoma
Me : Sugoma nutz
by TheFunnyGuy06 May 22, 2022
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Person 1:Don't call sugoma "he" will rage
Person 2:I will
by amonguse December 23, 2021
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