Stanky Leg

When a fine girl is dancing on your leg in the club, and she hasn't showered or cleaned herself in a while. So you shake your leg off to the side to get the smell away.

"Damn dude, I had to do the stanky leg to get that girl's smell away."
by kat_bebe11 April 23, 2009
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Stanky Leg

the dance originated in the D-town area.
it's a new dance to a lot of areas, but it involves doing the dougie, jiggin, and the durty booty.

It's where your spread one leg out, rotate it in the fashion to the beat...
"AYEEEEEEEE, do the stanky leg bro"
by Nazli February 20, 2009
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Stanky Leg

After a man has anal sex with a woman and his dick is coated in shit.
Guy 1: Yeah man I was with Jessica last night and I fucked her up the butt.
Guy 2: Nice man, did you get a STANKY LEG?
Guy 1: Ugggh yeah man and it smelt awful!
by SH1ZER September 23, 2008
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Stanky Leg

A dance move created after a girl who had bled over her leg from her period, and then tried to shake it off.
Look at Susie do the stanky leg! She can really shake it.
by Artemis Entreri March 27, 2009
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Stanky Leg

An awkward sexual move performed by rotating ones leg around a partner's in an attempt to shimmy it in.
by hairy whiskey May 1, 2010
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Stanky Leg

The girl shits on the man's penis and proceeds to give him a footjob.
Jill gave Jack a Stanky Leg while was playing GS Boyz in the background.
by benny boo218 December 2, 2009
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Stanky Leg

A dance in which the dancer drops it while rotating one leg behind them
Hey everyone, Susie is doing da Stanky Leg.
by UNTStankyLeg September 6, 2008
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