to defend oneself or close allies even in the face of adversity.
One of my boy's was gettin jumped so I had to stand tall.

That was some real shit he stood tall by himself against 5 goons!

Some of the youngin's been sayin' your pup stood tall with a snitchin' boy.
~ Marlo Stanfied (The Wire)

Yo you wouldn't have stood tall?
~Michael Lee (The Wire)
by FrostyIcy August 23, 2008
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Pride; To be proud of yourself;
Look at them new rims! I'm going to be standing tall at the club tonight!
by Incognito Bot April 29, 2018
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To Have an erection or boner from an attractive person or major event.

Past Tense: Stood tall
That ending on “you don’t know my name” by Alicia keys had me standing tall.

I been stood tall since that Kim K tape.

He stood tall as her hand slid up his thigh.
by Ornett June 5, 2024
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