When someone who has recently eaten Mexican food is spooked causing them to squirt their pants with a ink like shit substance. This "squid shit" is best visible when victim is in a pool, ocean or hot tub.
Bryan was enjoying a nice relaxing soak in his new hot tub when his neighbor Bill poked his head over the fence to say hello. Bryan immediately squid shit his hot tub and used his arms to fan himself down into the deepest point of his hot tub.
by Big Lud the Stud July 18, 2014
by SJDFOX March 19, 2015
A person who reacts like a squid when confronted but, in lieu of ink, utilizes their own shit to spew on to everything around them.
Frederick's such a shit squid, he accuses everyone of the same shit he does anytime he gets called out.
by derekjaydj October 12, 2019
by Ray Penn-Boyes September 28, 2015