An act partaken by two males and one female; this includes one man receiving oral sex by the woman and the other man giving anal sex to the woman whilst both men attempt to rotate her in a clockwise/counter-clockwise motion, thus resembling a rotisserie chicken at your local Bar-B-Q Restaurant/PTA Meeting/etc.
Bob: "Hey, me and my buddy doubled-up on this girl last night."
John: "South Texas Rotisserie?"
Bob: "Hell yeah!"
John: "Been there done that!"
John: "South Texas Rotisserie?"
Bob: "Hell yeah!"
John: "Been there done that!"
by B. Morales & J. Adams April 22, 2008
Often people of the Hispanic Culture who drive around suburban white neighborhoods looking for ANYTHING broken down that they can buy and / or steal so they can fix to sell or use. Lawnmowers, Washer/Dryer, Cars, Trucks, Blenders, ect. South Texas Jawas can easily be spotted by the old Ford F-150 pick-up they drive with the bed full of parts. Often they will pull an old trailer that is over loaded with more junk. You can see South Texas Jawas late night, towing broken down cars or cherry picking the junk pile in suburban neighborhoods before community pick-up. South Texas Jawas will also be up at the crack of dawn on Saturdays to rifle through yard sales and try to negotiate a cheaper price than listed. Swap Meets are another place that they can be found.
I heard a strange noise when I was in bed last night. When I looked out the window I saw three South Texas Jawas pulling my old dryer out of the community trash pick up pile and loading it into the bed of their truck.
by Bulldog August 24, 2008
To take a solidified pack of used dip, ie Copenhagen mint long cut, and transferring it from your lip to the inside of a woman's vagina. Afterwards packing it in with your penis. Very dominant practice in the south.
Tim: hey did you do anythinh with that girl last week?
Tom: yeah I had a fat dip in and spit it in her vagina, then fucked her!
Tim: Ah! The ol south Texas mud packer!
Tom: yeah I had a fat dip in and spit it in her vagina, then fucked her!
Tim: Ah! The ol south Texas mud packer!
by Tdawg May 17, 2015
The substance excreted from between a south Texas meth whores legs after she's had a wagon train ran on her.
by Suka may korncob April 21, 2023
A competition in which two males face each other, pants down, while being either self or partner stimulated. First person to cast their spell on the opponent wins.
by spellsnshit September 30, 2011
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Jerome loved the Wonder Woman movie so much he Texas south pawed in the regal bathroom as soon as the movie was over.
by Deputydog July 22, 2017