a temporary feeling of remorse that is often overused. also a word that no one ever believes anymore because of its misuse as well.
Girl: Why are you talking behind my back? You believe someone other than me and said I like this one sophomore kid?

Guy: I'm sorry. I will never do it again

Girl: I don't believe in sorries any more. I give people many chances and they always say sorry. Fuck you I dont think we should be friends any more. You said sorry one too many times
by anonymous_kid_204 April 12, 2010
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You're sorry ass is gonna be sorry if you make me play Sorry again!
by Konduct April 8, 2004
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someone that feels like a jerk and needs to apologize to a special person
Kennedy was so sorry to Bekah and Sara for being a little jerk..
by K3VT April 13, 2005
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Something Donald Trump preemptively says after saying.... well anything that normal humans realise is offensive. And generally untrue. Except in Donald World.
Oh, see? And now I'm fired! That's the cold, hard truth of immigration! Well there's only one immigration policy that I believe in, and that's fuckin' them all to death! the students gasp I'm just sayin' what everyone here's thinkin', kids! Sorry not sorry!
by Twee Pop March 15, 2016
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Basically a word to get men out of a jam.Most often used in a lie.
Im sorry baby I won't cheat again.
by Trimshaggy January 24, 2003
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how someone feels right now. a feeling of regret and sadness towards another person for actions done towards that other person. especially ones Best Friend.
Robbie is terribly sorry for any actions he had done yesterday towards Jackie. he accepts full responibility towards his actions, since he had the choice whether or not to listen to what people were telling him. long story short, robbie is very sorry.
by r to the obbie January 14, 2007
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Sorri is a word developed in southern New York that is generally used in reference to something that is pitiful and embarrassing; sorri time is the common phrase that's used, and it's colloquial uses are very broad.
When Tobi had her son Ben and realized he was mentally retarded, the doctor quickly responded to the shocked look on her face by saying "looks like you have some sorri time ahead".
by Gabriel Murayama February 17, 2010
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