someone who has enchanted soo many butts that they simply cant get away from the act of ass related sorcery.
mr asslacazam seems to really be into booty magic.

yeah hes an infamous butt sorcerer.
by November 25, 2021
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A sorcerer by trade and a man of high skill and dexterity. Rogier dedicated his life as a scholar and a warrior to the study of those who live death, to save them from the needless slaughter by the hunters of the golden order. our only true friend in the lands between.
Sorcerer Rogier, a hero.
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Randomly having socks appear in your pockets, You try to remember how it got there, until you remember having your socks snatched by a gay dude, so you sneek in his house suck his toes in retaliation
Richard is a certified to be The Sock Sorcerer, so much in fact he moaned like hisoka when suckin on abduls toes
by IssaMysteryy January 20, 2020
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