Korean for "Girls Generation." South Korean pop group consisting of nine girls: Taeyeon, Sunny, Yuri, Jessia, Hyoyeon, Seohyun, Tiffany, Yoona and Sooyoung.
So Nyuh Shi Dae is often abbreviated SNSD or Soshi.
The girls have had many hits around the globe including Gee, Run Devil Run, Oh!, Tell Me Your Wish (Genie), Hoot, their Japanese single Mr. Taxi and their most recent single The Boys, which was also released in English.
They are currently South Korea's #1 girl group.
So Nyuh Shi Dae is often abbreviated SNSD or Soshi.
The girls have had many hits around the globe including Gee, Run Devil Run, Oh!, Tell Me Your Wish (Genie), Hoot, their Japanese single Mr. Taxi and their most recent single The Boys, which was also released in English.
They are currently South Korea's #1 girl group.
by CGSweet December 18, 2011