Take a photo by yourself from front camera
Let's take a selfy
by Li flower April 7, 2022
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Take a photo by yourself from front camera
Let's take a selfy
by Li flower April 7, 2022
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The way selfie should have been spelled, but the person who wrote it in 2002 wasn't a good speller.
selfie should be spelled selfy.
by Rhljr June 8, 2023
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A pirate-selfie is the kind of a selfie, what you make with your friends, but without changing to front-facing camera, thus photographing the sun/ceiling/the floor/random people.
-Hey guys, gather around, I'm making a pic! Say cheese!
-What are you doing? You are taking pictures of the ceiling, not us!
-Yes, 'cause it's a pirate-selfie!
-Oh okay, then.
by MedievalHobo September 22, 2018
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A selfie taken while defecating or "shitting" typically showing the back of the toilet in frame.
This morning I took a shitty selfie since I ate that taco bell last night and I wanted to capture the moment for my grandmother.
by creationclouds April 3, 2015
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A selfie that will turn another person on. Usually on Hinge you have the option prompt to pick Selfie #503 for your photo’s. This would have to be the hottest selfie on your profile.
“Hey what about him, he looks so hot in his selfie

“Ouu- That’s his Selfie 503, I’d let him do ungodly things to me”
by planether August 20, 2024
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Selfies taken while breaching a Capitol Building and committing crimes therein which are often used as evidence of criminal acts by law enforcement or the courts. Bonus points if one is wearing a unique outfit or an identification card that makes it easy to identify them while they're taking the selfie
That idiot Bob took several Capitol Selfies in the US Capitol last week and now the FBI has submitted them as evidence.
by jesster79 January 12, 2021
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