A good enough response to the sixth or seventh time somebody has asked you if you know what they are saying, as smart ass as it might seem.
After about the sixth or seventh time somebody has asked you if you know what they are saying, it's not a bad idea to ask them you know what you're saying? before they turn you both into one of those guys, especially if that isn't you.
by The Original Agahnim July 17, 2021
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A phrase uttered in an argument with a person who doesn’t actually want to have a discussion, but just wants to be right. This phrase is heard when Person A has said their piece and wants to end the “conversation” by telling Person B what they want to hear, that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. By stroking their ego, Person B will finally shut up and stop talking in circles. Of course, this phrase is almost always used disingenuously, so it usually just makes things worse.
"No, I know that you're wrong because of X and Y and Z. You just hate when people have different beliefs than you."

Yup, sure. Whatever you say, man.”
by L On Legs April 1, 2024
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Words that have been shortened without the use of abbreviation.
The act of shortening a word without utilizing abbreviation.
You can short-say suspicious by simply saying “sus.”
The word suspicious in short-say is “sus.”
by TySoSwag October 15, 2023
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1. The funniest group of friends to ever grace the planet.

2. Asking someone if they're being serious or are lying.
Jacob: Say swear you haven't seen the new podcast episode.
Kelly: Hell nah I'm about to watch it now.
by Jhinxx May 12, 2023
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A king of Jamestown.
Don’t mess with him cause he from the streets
Coolest kid in town
Ay don’t mess with him he is with say lbar
by Queen_jamestown October 27, 2020
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No one gives a fuck about what your birthday shows on urban dictionary first the names and now this shit, like I’m tired seeing these on my story’s
no one cares what you’re birthday says about you we don’t give a fuck
by Tim Tams November 25, 2021
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