A phrase borrowed from instructions commonly found on bottles of shampoo and hair conditioner. It is used to indicate that a certain pattern of behaviour will, inevitably, occur again - usually despite furious claims that it won't.
This phrase is particularly applicable to people in troubled relationships.
Once again, after three months of dating, Noodle has frightened off her latest man. Now she's dating someone else. Rinse, repeat.
by L.A.R.S.O. April 25, 2006
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an adjective describing something done continuously, derived from the final instructions on a shampoo bottle
Having an infant is a continuous cycle of the mundane. Feed, change, put to bed, entertain, rinse repeat.
Person 1: Did you hear that the Bush administration is pushing for another surge into Iraq? And this time should be the last one.
Person 2: Sure, why not. Rinse repeat.
by ChuckChaser69 March 4, 2008
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an adjective describing something done continuously, derived from the final instructions on a shampoo bottle
Having an infant is a continuous cycle of the mundane. Feed, change, put to bed, entertain, rinse repeat.
Person 1: Did you hear that the Bush administration is pushing for another surge into Iraq? And this time should be the last one.
Person 2: Sure, why not. Rinse repeat.
by ChuckChaser69 March 3, 2008
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a technique used in games where you kill the leader and if u still aren't leader, keep killing leader. then when u r first place, suicide and repeat. then this will make everyone's score pretty low.
i used run, rinse, repeat to get leaderboard under 10k xp.
by nobody else here May 26, 2017
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To mindlessly repeat past patterns or behaviors without critical thought.
After her breakup she rebounded into another relationship. Lather rinse repeat!
by ecofemgeek September 13, 2013
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Used to describe situations, procedures or tasks that require repetitive action. Similar to et cetera
So I get up, go to work, go to sleep.. rinse and repeat. It's the same thing every day.
by I AM Mr Smith May 1, 2019
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1) Used instead of saying just 'repeat' . Not used if asking someone to repeat something said, usually used in instructions.
Man 1: press the button then pull the lever.
Man 2: Then what?
Man 1 : Rinse and repeat?
by IVIoosh February 7, 2011
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