Smashing a chick in the head with a brick so you can rape her unconscious body.
"Jim, the baker, couldn't get laid so he had to resort to Rape Brick to get some ass."
by Supa' Dub T August 25, 2008
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The insertion of a large clay brick into the rectum of a man. If entered into a woman, it is known as flashlight. That's cool. It bleeds sometimes, watch out. She squeals in pain, and we say "Oopsies!"
Guy 1- "Dude, I just totatlly brick raped that guy!"
Guy 2- "Dude, that's awesome! I just flashlighted Mary Margaret!"
Guy 1- "High five!"
*They high-five*
Guy 1- "All right!"
Guy 2- (while clapping) "Hehehehehehe!"
by Johnson Mcsquiggle August 4, 2005
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