stands for Read The Fucking Manual
I can't put this goddamn shelf together!
by SYS-35 January 9, 2009
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"Release The Flying Monkeys!"

Used by the Wicked Witch of the West when she is too busy or pissed off to speak the entire command.
Guy with big, furry hat: Your Wickedness, Dorothy and her gangstas have entered the Haunted Forest.

Witch: RTFM!!!
by Buggieboy May 6, 2008
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Read The F*@#ing Maunual

Generally used on men who believe that they do not need to undertake any kind of instruction, that the act of being male itself, means they have the ablity to build/construct/erect anything without looking first, or even at all at the user manual, because men (believe) that these abilities are in their genes, and DO NOT require any help whatsoever from any kind instruction pamphlet! (Aww, bless them, they just never learn!)
"Sweetheart, really, you've been trying to put to put those shelves up for two weeks now...RTFM! Please! Before you bring the whole house down!"
by MeJuliee!! January 18, 2010
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To be used commonly by salespersons in electrical shops such as Comet. When a customer returns with the polystyrene still inserted inside the walkman and complains that it does not work! One can coin the phrase, "Dont worry sir, it's juts a case of RTFM".
by Derek Paterson July 11, 2008
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used in electronic media when someone asks you for help (from read the fucking manual)
by The Return of Light Joker September 6, 2008
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what some headstrong guys won't do if something's wrong with a piece of equipment, then blame the problem on it
"Why the hell won't this computer play my MP3s?"
"RTFM, it'll tell ya."
by Alex March 19, 2003
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