Quirked up white boy

a man with some unconventional quality and stylish flair, who also conveys a slightly erotic presence.
"look at that quirked up white boy, he's busting it down sexual style!"
"with or without the sauce?!"
"WITH!!!! obviously!"
by Bubbiel April 12, 2022
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its slang, practically just a bizarre comination of words from twitter now used in many memes'n shit y'know
bitch 1: hey dude come look, there's a quirked up white boy with just a little bit of swagger busten it down sexual style in the front lawn
bitch 2: but is he goated with the sauce?
bitch 1: idk bro, guess you'll have to come see
by somegayassholethatlikesdsmp February 17, 2022
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