When you tell someone to put something in their purse.
Im holding a cell phone but i dont have a place to put it so i tell someone to " purse it" and they put it in there purse
by Lois Audrey January 7, 2008
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Training the vagina to store personal items, such as keys and ipods, on a 24/7 basis.
I saw a girl who purses at the store pull her keys out of her vagina.

by Unsanesarah May 27, 2009
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Using one's vagina as a purse, to carry personal items such as a mobile phone.
by lol_xd October 8, 2008
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I finaly got some purse from that girl last nite.
by uno-siete December 15, 2007
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Storing things inside the vagina. Sometimes refers to the practice of daily storage of everyday objects commonly found in a purse, such as keys and make-up. The vagina used instead of a purse.
I saw her pursing her phone in her vagina.

Did you notice Ted's neice purses? She pulled her phone out of her vagina and answered it at the dinner table.

by AnyoneAnytime June 19, 2009
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