The look one makes while looking in the mirror . Consciencly or unconsciously puckering lips to look fuller. The look most women make while putting on make up. Mostly likely most appealing expression.
Me: getting ready in the bathroom mirror. Batting my eyes and making smoochy lies
Bf: "Your mirror pout is so sexy."
by jesRika August 21, 2016
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Acting like an adolescent asshole online because you didn't get your way.
Karen never returns my emails ever since I told her I wasn't attracted to her. She must be cyber pouting.
by TINA LOVES YOU November 16, 2019
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A person who cries on dicks routinely during oral sex.
She cries so much she's the Pout Master
by DeepDerp July 25, 2012
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The death pout is the equivalent to the art of mooching.
Usually, the death pout is used to get what one wants.
It starts with seductive behavior. If it fails, it leads to abusive behavior. At last, when all has failed, the death pout proceeds.
Also known as the "poka-fayce".
The death pout is most famous among the female race, when trying to persuade another female or male to share their food. Also to persuade them to have sex, or to buy them caffeinated beverages.
The death pout typically does NOT work.
Chick 1: -walks up with starbucks-
Chick 1: NO. I bought it, go get your own!
Chick 2: -moans, tries to seduce chick 1 out of her coffee-
Chick 1: -stares- It's not working.
Chick 2: DAMN! -lunges for coffee-
Chick 1: NOOOO! -pushes chick 2 away-
Chick 2: -DEATH POUT-
Chick 1: .... Oh. -flees the scene-
Another tale of a failed death pout.
The death pout will never die!
by Starbucks Lesbo. February 24, 2011
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If one person pouts, then a person in an opposing party who becomes compelled to do the same, pouts in retaliation.This process continues and is carried out until a victor is crowned for having out-pouted the other party,
calling for the losing party to woefully accept defeat and then lay at the merciful hands of the winning party.
In turn, this strong and newly crowned winning party is given the power to rule over the weak losing party.
Which allows ones deepest and darkest wishes to be obligingly carried out by the losing party.This creates a paradox within the universe where ultimate rule can be achieved.
by spaceman3399 January 19, 2012
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When a person abstains from a fun activity in order to prove that he/she is extremely upset. Primarily observed in children, but sometimes continues into adulthood.
"Isn't Kiley coming to the game?"
"Nah, i think she's gonna pout out."
"What happened?"
"I don't know, but after Mike wouldn't give her a back rub this
morning she stormed off."
by mastercee November 27, 2011
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The pose all the scene/emo/whatever they prefer to be called kids seem to be pulling off these days.. as soon as someone whips out a camera they instantly do the peace sign and pout to the side.

This can also be expanded to the Flying Peace Pout- for those who can pull the pose at the drop of a hat. The split second a camera is held in position to take a photo they lunge infront and diplay the most ridiculous flying peace pout known to man.
Holy shit dude, that emo chick is pulling the peace pout in EVERY one of her facebook photos.. what a shithead!
by azz890 June 18, 2009
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