Photo fuck

Person who is a "hipster" wannabe that takes way too many pictures that have no meaning.
There are way too many photo fucks in this coffee shop.
by Evelyn&Denise May 7, 2016
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Photo Fuck

When you post a picture on myspace/facebook because you think it looks good, and just happens to be your favorite picture you have in your albums. Then someone comments it saying some of the rudest things possible, fucking you over by ruining your self esteem and therfor making you remove most of your pictures.
Picture Owner: *Thinking to themself* Man, I spent forever photoshopping that picture, it looks so good! The best I'v ever done.
Photo Fucker: *Comments picture* This picture would be okay, if it wasn't for the fact you have the worst acne I'v ever seen, and the hair and eyes look so fake. Try getting good at photoshop before you actually post your crap online, ugly ass fuck. I hate you.
by Sora Kuro June 7, 2009
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