one up from ur aunt ase

when this is said, everything in the universe (or in the void, if it is said there) turns into a random object
Sean: ur aunt ase
Bart: say that one more time
Sean: ur aunt ase
Bart: ur uncle pedo
*everything in the universe turns into a staple gun*
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Pedo Pan was a very honourable person but soon hit the friendzone.

R.I.P Pedo Pan 2017
'OMG, Pedo Pan has just been friendzoned!'
by BlouZe May 20, 2017
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a pedo who you actually like such as not wanting to run away from them or calling the cops. Meaning you actually want them to fuck you because they are a nice pedo.
bruh i met this pedo online and i actually like him/her i think he/she is a nice pedo
by Big Batty Homo 76 August 10, 2019
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An Argentinean way to say you don't have anything to do. Or when a thing doesn't have a purpose.
Example: estoy al pedo querés venir un rato.

Or: está materia está al pedo, no aprendemos nada
by Solcidf June 28, 2018
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paddy pedo is a person that hides in bushes or trees and will be a pedo he also gives you nonsense maths work that nobody can do we don’t like paddy
person 1: hey do u see that in the trees

person 2: omg yeah what is it ?
person 1: ITS PADDY PEDO
by u stank July 18, 2020
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