A payday loan is when you get an advance on your paycheck and pay it back with interest on payday. Generally this interest is 15%. Payday loans are set up to automatically pay themselves back because you post-date a check when you get the loan. If you get to the point where you are getting payday loans from other places to pay back the first payday loan, you are fucked. Payday loans should be avoided at all costs, as they fuck you in the long run. Many states have laws against certain payday loan practices.
Dude 1: Dude, come to the concert with us, it's payday!

Dude 2: Dude, I can't, I have to pay back these payday loans.

Dude 1: Dude, just get another one.

Dude 2: Oh yeah! Then I'll have money until next payday!
by Kapow! June 13, 2008
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A payday loan is when you get an advance on your paycheck and pay it back with interest on payday. Generally this interest is 15%. Payday loans are set up to automatically pay themselves back because you post-date a check when you get the loan. If you get to the point where you are getting payday loans from other places to pay back the first payday loan, you are fucked. Payday loans should be avoided at all costs, as they fuck you in the long run. Many states have laws against certain payday loan practices.
Dude 1: Dude, come to the concert with us, it's payday!

Dude 2: Dude, I can't, I have to pay back these payday loans.

Dude 1: Dude, just get another one.

Dude 2: Oh yeah! Then I'll have money until next payday!
by Kapow! June 10, 2008
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A financial product offered to qualified applicants.
Person A needs $100. He takes out a $100 payday loans online from paydayloans.net . Person A now has $100. Horray!
by Payday Loans Online August 23, 2010
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Apply for no credit check payday loans guaranteed approval near me from Direct lenders. Guaranteed approval. Even with bad credit. instant decisions
An instant solution to your unforeseen expenses is the name of payday loans which are a little costly, but you can make your financial issues disappear. The amount you can borrow is up to $5000 to fix up your strewn medical bills, monthly rent payment, and other expenses.

Due to the high cost of the loans, many borrowers seem to be failed in the loan repayment. This sometimes lowers their credit score if they don’t understand their responsibilities towards their loan payments which then creates problems ahead.

Still, people find it a great option for their emergencies when all doors are closed for them to get assistance. Commonly traditional banks and lenders prefer offering loans to those who have maintained their credit score.

Otherwise, they charge double followed by banking formalities which become hard very often for the borrowers. After all that, there is no guarantee for their $200 dollar loan approval while applying for no credit check payday loans with an instant approval decision through them.

But you can get Instant Payday Loans No Credit Check Guaranteed Approval after applying from the direct lenders because they don’t let you get depressed. Your lower credit score also works for them because they are aware that everyone can’t have a perfect credit score.
by HandyPaydayLoans.com April 4, 2022
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Find quick solution for your money problems with Instant Loans. Instant loans provide Instant approval loans, instant cash loans, instant bad credit loans, instant payday loans and instant personal loans.

"Instant Approval Personal Loans- Online Payday Loans- Instant Loans"
by Maureen Powell September 3, 2008
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unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.
statutory rape.
an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation:
the rape of the countryside.
Archaic. the act of seizing and carrying off by force.
my payday loan RAPED me.
by dr.derka August 13, 2015
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A loan that is basically required in order to afford all the DLC a game offers.

Derived from the ungodly amount of DLC and microtransactions in Payday The Heist/Payday 2.
"Hey man, how's that game going?"
"Not great, I had to take out a Payday loan. But I finally got the ULTIMATEDESTRUKOR9000 to beat that mission!"
by AsymmetricalTesical October 21, 2017
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