On dirt

On dirt: meaning when someone's information is bullshit. They're getting they're facts off of dirt (gossip). People who are on dirt are usually some loud ass motherrfuckahs; can't keep their mouth shut from saying shit they hear.
- "I hear Lisa's mom's a milf!"
- "Ummm, hell no her mom's ugly as fuck. You on dirt yo!"

-"Have you heard all these bitches talkin' shit about you?"
-"Yeah, whatever i don't care...they on dirt."
by aywhaddup October 28, 2011
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Another term for someone getting wrecked in a movie or game
Guy 1: yo i Dirted that dude over there

Guy 2: nice, go collect his loot
by Yung Fiji Fre$h August 15, 2021
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To disregard, discredit, or disrespect.

Throwing dirt on someones name.

*Though used in Canada, it is not only Western Canadian slang. It is used commonly in the US ranging widely from NY to California since the late 70's (if not before that).

It is also a popular word in the U.K.
Me: What happened to your eye?

John: Mikey and I got into a fight over Cecilia and he snuffed me in the face.

Me: Wait, what? Cecilia that girl you've been dating?

John: Yep.

Me: Wow and he was supposed to be your homeboy too... Damn you were dirted hardcore.

John: I know he shitted on me, but paybacks a bitch.
by Crystella Marie April 22, 2009
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When someone is thinking dirty and, you don’t know how to say it.
by Ziah salês April 20, 2021
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When you have an extremely long ash on the end of your cigarette like the one joe had in the alligator scene of the movie Joe Dirt. Pronounced DEAR-TAY. Du$e didn't not make this up.
Dude ash that fuckin' dirte before you burn a hole in my seat!
by Jared Lieto January 15, 2009
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