New Nigga

A term for nigga's who either weren't born yet or were too young to appreciate 90s hip-hop. It is commonly accepted that nigga's born after 1990 are all New Niggas. Jaden Smith is the most recognized New Nigga in the world today.
"fuck you mean the fugees are overated and J. Cole is the goat?? you new niggas make me sick."
by tigershark2012 April 16, 2015
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New Nigga

Those that conduct themselves as though they come from a legacy of 'old money
'If' I was to watch any successful reality shows, I'd be watching a bunch of new niggas
by chettachatta January 16, 2023
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Gods News, Nigga

The best news story on SnapChat, which the host posts only the Realest shit on there.
Yo check out Gods News, Nigga it is the best thing I have ever seen!
by TheManKnownAsGod August 7, 2019
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New York Nigga

A street educated nigga who was brought up in either Harlem, Brooklyn, or Queens, New York. Is currently wearing a fresh pair of authentic Timberland work boots, with the leather tag still attached. Also wears a puffy jacket, a New York Yankees fitted baseball cap with the silver sticker under the bill of the hat. They partake in the 'Stomping out' of people who disrespect Moms'. Lastly a New York nigga has 100% loyalty to the city they came from.
Marcus is a real new york nigga now with them timbs
by Nat Pagle January 15, 2017
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Nigga News

Nigga News is another name for Newport News, Virginia. This name is given since there is a large population of blacks and virtually no whites.
Yo, dawg, where you from?
Nigga News, Virginia.
by giveemhellgiiirl March 21, 2011
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new york NIGGA

Them dirty ass niggas with they dirty ass airforce ones. ALWAYS GOT THEY DIRTY ASS BACON EGG AND CHEESE
by MOSTLOVEDANNA February 4, 2020
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It’s a new year and you’re a new nigga; you’re switching it up this time.
The phrase synonymous with “new year new me” but like a lot better. Often used by niggas in the hood to make fun of New Year’s resolutions.

“Yo happy new year, wyd this time”

“Yk me, ‘new year new nigga’ (#NYNN) ima lose some weight”

#NYNN (new year new nigga)
by Hoodguy January 1, 2024
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