Kiss your girlfriend on January 13th at school even if its in front of your or her friends and it can be your first one too, National kiss your girlfriend day
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October 16th, I now declare, be national appreciate your girlfriend day, this goes out to my girlfriend, she's the reason I came up with this.
"Today is October 16th, National Appreciate Your Girlfriend Day, I must go and show my girlfriend some appreciation for always being there for me!" Billy thought to himself.
by NexusWolf October 16, 2020
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B: you seriously want to hug me?
G: why wouldn't I?
B: because you smell like Dwight schrute after he got back from his beet farm and its national bully your girlfriend day!
by Hudson_Legend December 15, 2021
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October 10th

Any boy in a relationship has to officially listen to what their girlfriend says and can’t deny anything.

If the boy deny’s something they get a kick in the dick as hard as the girl chooses
by HiddenUs3r October 3, 2020
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