NNN (CNN) is an abbreviation for Nerve News Network (Cable News Network). It's the show that white blood cells and red blood cells watch from Osmosis Jones movie and Ozzy and Drix. Some of them watch Box News (Fox News).
Maria Amino, Ozzy, and Drix: *watching NNN (Nerve News Network).

NNN: In other news, Hector’s body is at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Hector is relaxing and listening to music outside. Breaking news, he stepped on a splinter and forgot to disinfect it. Viruses are attacking! We need white blood cells!
by HawaiianPunch1 July 9, 2023
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Non-stop Nut November.

The famous challenge to see who has the most nuts at the end of November.
Dude1: Dude, you still going for the NNN record?

Dude2: I think I can fill my nut jar this time around
by cweed96 December 4, 2020
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Abbreviation of "nah, nah, nigga". Allowing someone to know that in fact, they have it all wrong. While its meaning shifts based on the context, it is generally used as a retort following an incorrect statement, especially one made in jest.
Arthur: Man, what happened to rap after The Chronic? All downhill.
Lester: NNN, it's all good, Dre's still got it!

Rupert: Yo Leroy why was you actin like some kinda jive turkey at da club?
Leroy: NNN dat shit was on pointe. Bes respek.
by Roflmfaololgtfo February 10, 2010
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No Nut November is when a male goes a whole month (30 days) without masturbation.
'You gonna try NNN?'
'Yeah, but I probably wont be able to do it.'
by justsomesadkid November 9, 2019
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NNN~Also known as No Nut November~ is a competition that is held during the whole month of November, and yep! You guessed it! If you DO take part in NNN then you are not, under any circumstances, allowed to:
•Have sex
However... you are allowed to watch anything & some people have extended their NNN time by saying they are not allowed to be sexually active for the entire November, & yes, they are not allowed to have any boners. There is no second chances so if any of you males fail then own up to it & don’t lie!
My cousin tries to do NNN but fails miserably, he couldn’t last a week
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No note needed
Typically used in Twitter's Community Notes
Person 1:
NNN (This is just a opinion)
by flushe May 17, 2023
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Nut Nut November
You can nut twice as much as you could in the other months.
NNN is my favourite month. I am trying to get a high score of 69.
by HamoodHabibi2.0 November 14, 2021
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