NNN Lore

A timeline that serves to answer several thought-provoking and meaningful questions about the most influential endurance test on Planet Earth. Who came up with NNN? Why did he want to avoid nutting for a whole month? Why are so many young men taking the test? What do they have to gain from not fapping? Was the inventor right when he said masturbation's a sin?
NNN Lore is a great way to take your mind off that fact that your Yogurt Slinger can't sneeze for 30 whole days.
by BluRazzKookaburra December 18, 2024
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io meed hjelp
He said "b nb vvbbvgbbbb b n nnn,;./ mmnm" These are wise words from a 2 year old.
by unicornsparklesbubbles September 22, 2022
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Official NNN Pass

For each week of not nutting you get one pass (Does not include November).
Hey bro how much Official NNN Passes you got?
I have 136.
by Curiosity's November 29, 2023
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