Beef testicles battered and fried; considered gourmet dining in the American west even though they are tough and have gristles.
The Brown Derby parboils their mountain oyster dishes so they won't be so tough and hard to chew.
by Richard Black March 11, 2005
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most likely originated in Australia or new Zealand, due to one of the main livestock being a sheep

A sheep's testicles
You can't eat mountain oysters...unless you're into that.
by ikayama October 10, 2004
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"Hey Joe, lets make us some tasty Rocky Mountain Oysters.

Aren't they bull nuts, fred?

by Anonymous May 2, 2003
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mmm! these rocky mountain oysters taste just like chicken nuggets! hmm... i wonder what is really in those nuggets at wendys...
by jackieC January 26, 2004
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Bill: Everyone is eating rocky mountain oysters aka bull testys
Mike: Lets try to find the fag eating his penis
by C.Good September 18, 2008
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