The act of doing or saying some thing so insanely stupid in front of a group of people that you usually cant even deny what you said. Originated when a high school student did and said the stupidest things anyone has ever seen or heard of.
Kid 1: Yea the food at that bakery was really good.
Matt: Yea one time I went to a bakery and they actually sold baked goods.
Kid 2: Wow, Matt Moment.
by Matt Moment WOW! September 27, 2011
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A Matt moment is described as a situation in which a person goes to do something incredibly simple and either messes it up horrendously or forgets what they were doing entirely and usually looks idiotic in the process.

The term matt moment was created in February 2021
Matt - "Aw fuck, I forgot how to speak"
Twitch chat - "Matt moment"
by ItsDefinitelyMatt September 11, 2021
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