Mad Pussy

1) Having lots of sex

2) When the girl puts out just so u will shut the fuck up

3) When the girl wakes up half way through and says "Ew, Get the fuck off of me"
Dude I was sleep fucking Sara and she woke up and started screaming "Ew get the fuck off of me!!" Made that mad pussy just that much better.
by Danny Deezy September 12, 2009
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mad pussy action

if a gay guy asks you to go to his birthday party you should go because theres always like 9283920391039120491 girls there and no straight guys so you can get some mad pussy action
by krevin June 2, 2007
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Pussy Mad

Someone who has not had sex in so long that it's driven them crazy. The emotional reaction when you're "Pussy Mad" varies from person to person, but the signs are usually: anger, depression, impulse, desperation, delusional thoughts, insecurities, and paranoia
Elliot Rodger is the prime example of someone who is "pussy mad"
by ITSNEWJACK May 11, 2024
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