by someone else thats not u March 2, 2021
a sub world in RAIN WORLD were its COMPLEATLY barren of life (except SHOCK jelly fish (idk what they are), neon flies, and LOOKS TO MOON.) there really Isn't much to do here besides looking for those collectable plants and visiting looks to moon
by someone else thats not u March 8, 2021
Looking to the moon can be with words or with looks.
You look at it, you dream, you think about someone, you make a wish, you miss someone.
And remember that the kid who looked outside the window of the car, to the moon is the still there inside togheter with the grown-up version of yourself.
You look at it, you dream, you think about someone, you make a wish, you miss someone.
And remember that the kid who looked outside the window of the car, to the moon is the still there inside togheter with the grown-up version of yourself.
by Urbandragon🐉💖 May 15, 2023