Colorado lollipop

When a guy sucks another guys dick to see what his girlfriend or wife taste like
Billy gave Dan a Colorado Lollipop to see what his girlfriend taste like.
by William Hawkins February 10, 2024
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Lollipop lips

Lollipop lips, also known as lollipop kisses originates from the French act of “scissoring” . Lollipop lips is essentially a sexual act performed by two lesbians who are close friends. The two then push their labias together while they Charles nacy (reverse queef). This act sucks one of the lesbians clits into the other lesbians vaginal canal, leading to a violent shaking orgasm.
Veronica and I both sucked at the lollipop lips move as she couldn’t even get the Charles Nancy down”
by Raging cuckhold January 14, 2025
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turn you into a lollipop

When you go elbow deep in your missus arse and pick her up with one arm walk down the street eating her pussy
Im going to turn you into a lollipop
by BL110 May 15, 2021
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Lollipop brain

A lollipop brain is a person who latches onto new words and terms in order to sound cool and in the know.
Chad used his lollipop brain to impress Charon with his woke stances.
by Trailer man July 24, 2019
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Strawberry lollipop

A strawberry lollipop is when a girl is on her period you take her tampon and suck the blood out of it
Jim : yea my girl started her period yesterday.

Mike: bro forreal?ask her if you can try her A strawberry lollipop.
by wigsnatchingtwigsnappingbaddy February 1, 2021
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Reverse upside down lollipop is a commonly used term for the act in having intercouse while one participant stands on knees and the other participant in upside down thrutsing their asshole into their partner.
yoo this crazy bitch almost shit on me, she said its the reverse upside down lollipop.
by datniggabetta April 2, 2022
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A reminder that, amidst life's challenges, our shared humanity prevails, emphasizing that underneath our struggles, we are fundamentally alike.
Mel: We’re all just a bunch of meat lollipops.

Tim: you’re not wrong
by Jonathan Brooklin January 26, 2024
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