When your with your friend or decide to spam some people and you like the post and then write gay as a comment. Do this to all of their feed.
by the like gayers May 1, 2011
More like gay, is used in all situations where you dont agree with the word being said. See: more like
The difference between "More like" and "More like gay" is that word gay is applied to everything.
Prodominantly used to make fun of peoples names.
The difference between "More like" and "More like gay" is that word gay is applied to everything.
Prodominantly used to make fun of peoples names.
Paul J: How gay is Alana?
David B: More like Gaylana
Person 1: Youre such a Cunt Fucker
Person 2: More like Gay fucker
David B: Hayden youre so gay
Jake R: More like Hayden Pisexual
David B: More like Gayden Pisexual
Fag 1: Do you have Myspace?
Cool Person 1: More like Gayspace.
Mass Bebo email: Gaylana wants you to join her on Bebo!
Cool Person: More like Gaybo.
David B: More like Gaylana
Person 1: Youre such a Cunt Fucker
Person 2: More like Gay fucker
David B: Hayden youre so gay
Jake R: More like Hayden Pisexual
David B: More like Gayden Pisexual
Fag 1: Do you have Myspace?
Cool Person 1: More like Gayspace.
Mass Bebo email: Gaylana wants you to join her on Bebo!
Cool Person: More like Gaybo.
by David Beadle August 28, 2006
When someone might say something and you might quickly retaliate by saying the sentence but putting gay somewhere in it.
by Regineer October 17, 2016
by skittishManiac November 8, 2017
What is said of a guy that looks like a real sleaze bag.that is absolutly that king of sleaze bags. A guy whose looks make you thing of a bunch of sleaze bag queers fucking each other in the butt ect.
by Deep blue 2012 December 1, 2009
by bladeyhahahah November 10, 2020