Also known as 'storm gender' or 'thunder gender', lightening gender (under the Weather-Gender spectrum) is a gender that exposes itself during storms or spouts of lightening. The more frequent the lightening or stronger the storm, the stronger this gender feels.
A bolt of lightening struck the feel by Khalid's house, 2 minutes later again another bolt of lightening struck and the rain grew stronger, it was then Khalid knew he was Lightening Gender
by FemPolice August 3, 2017
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originating from the hit song "grease lightening", this is a phrase used when someone is about to score, typically said by an onlooker or friend.
ex: "awww Shane you gonna grease that lightening or what dude? cmon we need to get up to some munkay biznaz"
by MaryWash November 29, 2011
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Meaning to take some air out of a football.
The star quarterback was suspended for causing his balls to Lighten Up.
by 66tornadoes December 14, 2016
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means you need to tone things down a bit and not make such a fuss or scene.
Brah, you need to lighten your shit a little. Cut down on the antics cos nobody needs to know where you masturbate.
by de-pube March 10, 2022
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An adjective to describe someone so extemely ugly that they appeared to have been struck by lightening.
Bob's girlfriend is snag lightening ugly!

When my wife wakes up in the morning, it looks like she snagged lightening.
by Marcus December 30, 2005
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Phrase used by a special boy that commonly goes by the names of Big Gay Paul, Big Bird, Earthworm Jim, and KITV.
Big Gay (throwing tennis balls): Lightening bolt! Lightening bolt! Sleep! Death!
by The Love Shack March 7, 2005
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