The Konopelski's version of coffee that is so black and strong, you'd swear you were drinking Wesley Snipes.
Relevant Physical properties:
Immiscible with cream, will not solubilize sugar
Kono Brew Recipe:
Brew one bag (12 oz.) of coffee with one cup water (optional).
Ultimate Kono Pot Recipe:
Let Kono Brew sit on burner for 10 hours. Put in freezer overnight. Brew one bag (12 oz.) coffee with one cup water over the frozen Kono Brew. Enjoy.
Relevant Physical properties:
Immiscible with cream, will not solubilize sugar
Kono Brew Recipe:
Brew one bag (12 oz.) of coffee with one cup water (optional).
Ultimate Kono Pot Recipe:
Let Kono Brew sit on burner for 10 hours. Put in freezer overnight. Brew one bag (12 oz.) coffee with one cup water over the frozen Kono Brew. Enjoy.
Non-Kono: That sip of Kono Brew made me bleed out of my ass for seven days.
Kono: It's 7pm, brew up the third pot of Kono Brew.
Kono: It's 7pm, brew up the third pot of Kono Brew.
by Big Cait December 16, 2006