Kokichi Ouma

A turd who is annoying as hell, and destined to get on your fucking noise. Probably shipped with everyone. Whenever someone says “cum dumpster” three times, two ghosts will appear.
Maki Harukawa: Do You Want To Die?
Kokichi Ouma: Being strangled by maki*
by Ultimatesuperpopsinger November 25, 2019
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Kokichi Ouma

Kokichi Ouma is a FUCKING PURPLE GREMLIN THAT LIES. <3 i love him so much
Kokichi Ouma is cool.
by GayDanganronpaAddict October 19, 2021
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Kokichi Ouma

Kokichi Ouma is the cutest boy in existence. He is everything. He is god. He's a little lying Hitler baby.
Stan Kokichi.

Join Kokichism.
He is god, and should be blessed.
Me: "Kokichi Ouma is so cute. I want him to be real, and want him to be my boyfriend."

Person: "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
by KokichiAddict November 25, 2020
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Kokichi Ouma

A hot purple ass looking liar who’s also a gayasss.
by Kokichiouma November 11, 2022
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kokichi ouma

The president of Russia.

This idiot grape rat shit is a presidential candidate in the Russian election. Why?

Kokichi's made it onto Russian news. what has life come to.
Person1: Hey who are you voting for this year?

Person2: Didnt you know? The liar grape shit, Kokichi Ouma!
by kanatakonoecansteponme May 8, 2020
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Kokichi ouma

Kokichi oma is the little gremlin from danganronpa v3. All he ever does is lie, drink pop and try to get into saihara’s pants
P 1: who’s your favourite danganronpa character?

P2: kokichi ouma
P1: eww you like that little shit
by Gay bish July 27, 2020
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kokichi ouma

by utterlyyup April 23, 2021
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