An amazing shounen-ai anime (also a manga) that revolves around 3 couples (Junjou Romantica ((main couple)) , Junjou Egoist , and Junjou Terrorist). People who aren't even much of a fan of yaoi love this anime. The makers of it also made Sekaii Ichi Hatsukoi .
Non-Fangirl-" Hey what're you watching?"
Yaoi Fangirl- "Junjou Romantica. Look! There are 3 couples!"
Non-Fangirl- "Yaoi isn't really my thing.."
Fangirl- "Try it!"
10 minutes later...
"Omigod I LOVE this!!!!! I SHIP SO MUCH!!"
Yaoi Fangirl- "Junjou Romantica. Look! There are 3 couples!"
Non-Fangirl- "Yaoi isn't really my thing.."
Fangirl- "Try it!"
10 minutes later...
"Omigod I LOVE this!!!!! I SHIP SO MUCH!!"
by LLLLiiilly December 20, 2013