Wow i'm the best make sure to subscribe to my youtube channel lmao xd lol rofl
when the bird goes walking

Also puht8o is the best potato
by diggorypip586 May 15, 2022
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When a girl sticks her tongue into the opening a an uncircumcised males penis and swirls her tongue around until he becomes erect.
My girl was playing pop goes the weasel with me the other night before we had sex.
by dhfatty June 18, 2024
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When a firefighter (especially brand new but can happen with any rank and seniority) attempts to hook up with almost anybody who he /she finds hot and would want to extend more then just a ladder with them short or long term.
Whenever Collin sees the Captains daughter he yells truck goes and disappears for an hour or so.

Did you hear, that The truck goes with Steven and Kristen now?!

Why does Cayla never ride the truck when it goes? She’s missin out on some banger jobs.

Jim tried to get the truck goes from last night at the bar but was cancelled every time .

You can tell she wants the truck to go, but he’s gay.
by Onlyme4you April 10, 2020
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when the perception of every action you take is predicated on your widely accepted fierceness.
Beyoncé backstage - I'm about to savagely melt this audience's face off with my voice and my body, but It goes without slaying
by Gandalf the Slay July 31, 2017
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Used when someone is clearly making up an excuse for something. Derived from the kids who would always claim they had a girlfriend but that "you wouldn't know her, she goes to another school".
Jack: I'm usually good at throwing a frisbee, it must be the wind.
Elliot: Yeah dude totally, "she goes to another school".
by probably_jenkins May 31, 2022
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