
the most life changing novel ever written. go check it out
dude i read ishmael and now i think of life totally differently
by sdafsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf August 24, 2009
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An ashy tall man who fades into the background of pictures. He normally says "no homo" after every sentence, but he actually is extremely homo, no shame tho, we gotta love Ishmael!
"yo Amber, who is the ashiest, guy, you know?"
"Yardy know that Daniel, it's Ishmael for sure"
by dOg321 February 20, 2019
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Ishmael Special

Rubbing your nuts with your hands, then rubbing your hands onto someone's head. Commonly done among the guys (boys, lads, mates, etc.) as a form of punishment.
"Damn, Cory just got Ishmaeled!"
"When Jamar gets back, I'm going to give him the Ishmael Special".
by asian fingers July 17, 2019
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Ishmael style

When the girl sucks of the guy, he then returns the favour by eating her out. After they have both had a turn he flips her over and fucks her doggy style
Hey daddy let’s do it Ishmael style tonight ‘
Whenever you want baby’
by Lily.abcdefg July 7, 2018
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Ishmael's Law

Anything on the internet will be made fun of regardless of what it is.
"Our daughter is so brave, she has cancer and is still able to post her own facebook status."
"God with what her parents look like no wonder she got cancer."
"Man your taking Ishmael's Law too seriously."
by Just let me do this October 20, 2014
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Ishmael Kamara

A kid who defends the liar Mrbossftw and replies to every hate comment trying to defend him
Hey have you seen that Ishmael Kamara kid defending MrBossFTW on his newest video?
by Average Guy#55 October 28, 2020
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