When your a polite English gentleman and you can’t say fuck you or what the fuck.
Jeff the left handed homeless man:Wanker

King Sebastian the rich right handed man:I beg your pardon
by King man of England the 2.5 August 16, 2018
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"I beg your pardon" is just a polite British way of saying "the fuck you just say"
Girl: I used to wear the socks under my brothers bed
Boy: I beg your pardon
by Beese Churger August 22, 2020
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A gentleman way of saying "What the fuck did you say to me you piece of shit"
Person: Go fuck yourself!
Me: I beg your pardon?

(Alternate Universe)
Person: Go fuck yourself!
Me: What the fuck did you say to me you piece of shit?
by ChiefBokMalo July 16, 2020
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Englishman asking for something to be repeated.
Get your balls of my face
I beg your pardon?
You heard what i fucking said
by BritishsSpoon March 21, 2020
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A phrase used in exclamation, and politeness by English gentlemen and the alike. A posh way of saying What!

Also the name of a Blog
Edward: Geoffry did you see the curves on that fine fillie?

Geoffry: I beg your Pardon!
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