How are we?

1. Hillarious way of asking someone, or multiple people how they are feeling.

2. Can be used as an 'entrance'when walking into a large group of people.

3. 'We' - can also refer to 1 person
John: How are we?
David: yeah, not bad

Bill: - "How are we?"
Craig - *Walks away*

"your at a party, and walk through the door into a large croud.. *silence* ..
John: "How are we?" -
*crowd bursts into laughter*.
by statiKz August 11, 2005
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How are we?

The phrase which is used to absolutely destroy a person’s self confidence when they are feeling low about themselves.
Billy: “Hey Joel I heard you got rejected last night.”
Nikhil: “Joel how are we?”
by Robbo06 February 17, 2016
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how did we get here

You: “how did we get here?”
Me: “dO YoU HaVe 90 MiNuTeS?”
by LafayetteLover💕 May 31, 2019
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how did we get here

guy:how did we get here

by 90 mins February 6, 2020
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How did we get here?

Do you have 90 minutes?!
Then come on down to the Jacksepticeye How Did We Get Here tour.
*Wakes up in field*

How did we get here?”
by ArsenalFan57 January 20, 2020
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How did we get here

a secret minecrafter gamer epic achievement also, DO YOU HAVE 90 MINUTES?
me:how did we get here
by Lorider22 January 29, 2020
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The term given to a male person that weighs at least 175 pounds and has an indescribably ambrosial girlfriend whose persona and almost flawless anatomy far exceeds the given male's most intimate fantasies that he had during his first wet dream. The aforementioned male is far below the world wide standard of "average bloke" yet someHOW the relationship (while disobeying all laws of physical attraction and logical sense) has been and continues to be, sustained....oops we know HOW, the question is WHY?
Wow that is one sexy girl! Wait, who the hell is that holding her hand? Oh no, you have to be joking. Steups, How? Nah we know how, why?
by blahblahblahblahblah12345 March 15, 2010
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