High School Man Whore

A high school lad, usually aged between 12 and 16, who is obsessed with going out with girls just for the fun of it. He makes the girl feel that he is totally in love with her, but really he is just looking for someone who will boost his popularity. Once his popularity has been given a boost he will end the relationship by standing the girl up in front of all of his friends, because he is a fucked up tramp. He will then move on to his next victim, who, even though she knows about his slagginess, will just not be able to resist his charm. High School Man Whores have a very particular look, they are usually above average height for other lads in their year group, have a spazzed out hair style that makes them look pervy and they also have an extremely red face.
Girl 1: Oh my god, Gregg just asked me out!!!
Girl 2: Shit, I can't believe you fell for that dick head.
Girl 1: What are you chatting about my bae?
Girl 2: Nothing, just give it about a week and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Girl 1: What a dumb bitch, such a silly tramp.
Girl 3: I know I can't believe that she is dating the High School Man Whore!
by usureaboutthat. November 18, 2019
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