when the vagina is so thick and meaty it looks like a big mac with extra mayonaise
dude, did you see that pussy it looks like a hamburgler!
by i run this shit August 22, 2008
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One who hamburgles.
Ugh, I got hamburgled!
by Anne Smith October 25, 2008
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the sexy hamburgler is what happens when god deems that the second coming must come and the bringer shall be the most glorious bastard of all. looking like an inkling mixed with an aidan if you read this you are cursed and need to type sexy hamburgler in one of your friend's web browsers (he prefers safari, cause it sucks.)
Thanos: Oh god, the sexy hamburgler is here.
Shaggy: We will most surely perish.
Matt: Goodbye, my brothers. May we meet again in the next life.
by Sir Kibble September 12, 2019
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Someone who steal hamburgers, and cheeseburgers from popular fast food chains.
Damn Tony, the hamburgler struck again last night
by Cinnabonlord September 7, 2022
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