A weird face that sends a greeting or hello to another person without speaking, usually a friend or good acquaintance. While the nod of acknowledgement (sic) is used primarily between men, this is acceptable use for both genders.
It is not a symbol of respect, but a friendly way to give someone a little attention, usually when there is not time to stop and chat.

Not advised to be used towards superiors, stuffy people, or strangers, as the face will result in puzzlement of the receiving party.
I passed Katy in the hallway on the way to Physics, and we exchanged our grimaces of greeting, as I had two minutes to get there.

Johngave his grimace of greeting to an intern as class began and only got a concerned look in return.
by DasRaskalKing December 31, 2010
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"Greetings and Salutations"
"hi Just Diggie"
by Determinate May 13, 2021
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Business jargon for a function before a professional meeting, seminar, convention or conference where you go to meet people in your field to network and get laid.
The National Protological Association annuall convention's meet and greet was a success. I met with the heads of 5 manufactures, 4 resellers, 2 financiers, and 3 cocktail waitresses.
by Tenacious Faulker July 11, 2009
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Said in a low quiet voice whilst you mabate. Your hand must be playing pocket pull or else it is no longer secretive. This phrase is derived from greetings, a popular slogan of slick hipster, Mr. Dente.
"I played secret greetings while the music teacher played a movie in class," said C. S.
by Franklin Delano Roosevelt December 13, 2004
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A person who is used to greet someone.
“I sent my friend a greeting person so they knew they were appreciated”
by winkwink87 March 7, 2022
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A geekier way of saying "Happy Holidays." Usually embroidered on doormats and other brute holiday paraphernalia for political correctness.
geek: seasons greetings
person: what the
geek: greetings and salutations
person: hrm, your back
by meskk December 5, 2007
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A way to say goodbye to a friend, relative or stranger.
Person: "Alright, I gotta get to class."
Person 2: "Awe, okay. Reverse greetings!"
by yongobonghoe May 22, 2018
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