
A term used to describe a computer nerd, (typically a student) who thinks that they run their town (often Luton).

Claims to be able to one bang people in the face but has the structure comparable to a toothpick.

Also claims to be able to huge spliffs with their matchstick fingers

Glenn: bruv my names Glenn cuz, I’ll one bang you in the face g!
Person 1 : mate, stick to playing league of legends you fag

Glenn: don’t tempt me I’m from Luton ya know!
by Pussifooter January 6, 2020
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A glenn must be fat and over 250 pounds at the age 11 to be a glenn
Look its that fat kid glenn
by I like memes 420 November 19, 2019
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The name GLENN is used for a person that does any sexual act for a line of coke. Normally prefers gay or Beastiality acts encounters
Man tht glenn is trippin

U see tht glenn over their on the corner

Man itz alot of glenns in riverside

by Ualreadykno09 November 2, 2017
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someone who is beautiful, nice, smart, rich and has a good sense of humor. she is one of the prettiest women you will ever meet.
When I saw Glenne, I immediately fell in love with her.
by therock121 April 15, 2008
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a guy with a huge dong that every chick digs and wants to suck off
girl 1: omg u see cody over there
girl 2: omg ya hes such a glenn lets go give him mouth release.
by dndgnszhtx54 April 12, 2009
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a sweet and sensitive guy that hides his emotions to act tough even though on the inside he could be the nicest guy you know. hes funnny but sometimes takes a joke too far. he likes long walks on the beach at night and likes to lay down in the sand and look at the stars above to just think about everything. and he likes coloring pictures of him and "his girl" as he says as smurfs.
"i wish i was friends with that kid!" "yea i know, hes such a glenn"
by buuuuuuurdtheturrrrrrd August 21, 2011
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A very thickk boi
OHHHHH there is my glenn says a girl
by GLENN FAN November 7, 2019
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