
A very hot guy that flirts way too much. Tall and handsome with beautiful clear eyes.
"omg i can see Glenn what a hottie!!"
by Lavablobs January 8, 2010
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Glenn is an amazing guy who would do so much for you. He is so sweet. He is the type of guy they talk about in the videos about soulmates. Because he is always the one.

To keep him happy, just give him some mango loco monster.
me: "i bought you a mango loco monster"
Glenn: "I love you"
by KleineBlonde February 14, 2022
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DUDE 1 : "Yeah, man, I hung out with Molly last night."
DUDE 2 : "Ohh, dude, did you get the curtains?"
DUDE 1 : "Hell yeah, I did. I Glenn'd all over those bitches!"
by dan nepple April 18, 2007
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Glenn is a lovely person.

He is understanding and will listen to your problems. He seems like a tough, strong and athletic dude, he is actually a very kind and emotional person. All he really needs is the love of his friends. And he would always have that one friend or three to count on if things go south. He is very responsible and finishes his tasks on time. If he does not, he would make up for it. Glenn is very athletic and can play any sport well. He is also musically talented but is very shy when it comes to playing in public.

Though you are at fault, he quickly forgives you and tells you it's no biggie. He is very caring and will make sure no one is harmed. If he accidentally offends anyone he would immediately say sorry.

His hair is his pride and joy. He spends over an hour making sure it is well kept and uses conditioner to maintain its fluffiness. He does not like anybody to touch his hair other than his close friends and will not cut his hair unless absolutely necessary. He is always with a group of friends, usually three to four.

Glenn is also a gentleman and knows how to treat a lady well. He is very gentlemanly that he dresses and is very well kept. Neat and tidy to be particular.

If you meet a Glenn in your life, you will most likely need him.
Glenn is my best friend.
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"He doesn't wait, he doesn't queue, he doesn't take detours, he doesn't take second opinions and he doesn't take no for an answer; he's a Glenn."
by The OED December 19, 2012
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A Glenn is a common Irish denominator who has no life and future in front of them.
Oh look, it's a Glenn! I bet you he is gay.
by Som1234 August 23, 2022
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the cutest and kindest guy you will ever meet, you would be lucky to date him but he already has a girl. He's also a oso de peluche
Girl: wow ken, i wish you were a glenn
boy: *dies*
by musicgoddess21 October 31, 2019
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