Fym is an acronym for Fuck Your Mindset. This type of slang is typically used within a conversation among peers and teammates within video games who are severely depressed or / are mentally ill.
Ian: I can't do this anymore man, this is too hard for me.

Peter: Man, shut your bitchass up and fym, that negative shit is ruining you from the inside out.

Ian: Sorry dude it's just been pretty rough with these recent matches.
by CornyRonnie August 18, 2024
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John: wanna come over to my house later
Riley: no

John: fym no
by yuh😈 September 11, 2022
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Friend 1: Man I’m so hungry

Friend 2: Fym you’re so hungry? We ate an hour ago!
by Bigbootybecky00 July 23, 2021
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Dude1: Ay foo', do you even fuck?

Dude2: Bro I just fucked yesterday, you filmed that shit!

Dude1: Nah, I didn't do that shit, Stop bullshiting. FYM?
by ChipsOfDaDoom October 27, 2020
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FYM or fym means "fuck you, mate" usually used by british people.
by xana_toctoc February 5, 2018
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