You know what pre funk is? huh its like pre game but for the hip and cool. come on guys you right, right? guy? hello? - Killeah
pre funk is like when you guys party before the party you know guys
by Killeah September 9, 2022
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close friends usually with a handshake, funk-themed song, and a sign towards each other. sometimes mistaken as couples. friends of the funk come in pairs. each pair needs a different song, handshake, etc.
are they dating?
naw, they just Friends of the Funk
by super-anonyman II June 6, 2011
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A term sometimes used to describe an individual infected with the mononucleosis virus. This term is most commonly used in rural North Dakota and Minnesota.
"Don't kiss her, she's one of those "Mono-funks!"

"He spat on my ham and gave me mono!" "Mono-funk!"
by Current Mono-funk October 29, 2009
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When a part of your body is in a small amount of pain when you either sleep in a wrong position, or when you pull a muscle.
Andrew: Aww, man. I slept wrong, I've got this evil funk in my arm.

Matt: Just fall on it or soemthing... Pop it back into place.
by Matt Lance March 31, 2008
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Yeah that girl from tinder is funk - what a great fuck I think we'll have to fuck again
by Amishgangbanger August 31, 2021
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1.Money Maker Shaker styles of music.

2.Something created by someone getting loose.

3.Problems between warring parties
1.Headhunters brought that funk.

2.Kiroe brought that funk.

3.That foo had funk with me, but then i kicked his ass.
by FunkyMcfunkbuster August 15, 2008
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