A highschool girl who's been popularized on tiktok for looking like football player Brock Purdy. She is one of the best tennis players in Utah, and about every boy ever has a crush on her, can't blame them though.
"Anna Frey looks exactly like Brock Purdy It's crazy!"
by summericecream February 15, 2024
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A highschool girl who's been popularized on tiktok for looking like football player Brock Purdy. She is one of the best tennis players in Utah, and about every boy ever has a crush on her, can't blame them though.
"Anna Frey looks exactly like Brock Purdy It's crazy!"
by summericecream February 15, 2024
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A gay brunette who is somehow married to a girl and had kids. Usually a Frey is energetic yet also tired. He tends to stick to his "wife". (Normally a "wife" is a blonde best friend who looks after you)
Wife: Frey? what are you doing home you have work,
Frey: No thank you ❤️
by Artythedork July 15, 2023
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One of the most caring and kind people out there. Frey's are always trying to help other people, and will do anything to make you smile. They fall in love easily and love hard once they do. They are extroverted and like to make friends. Frey's have a lot of disregarded trauma that they like to ignore and often let it boil until they explode. Frey will love you with all their heart. They probably like literature and enjoy writing, probably written a love poem or two.
Person 1: Nobody loves me

Person 2: Frey probably does! She loves everyone!
by cooliomajookio April 12, 2023
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State of being shitfaced.
At last nights party Joe got completely Freyed out of his mind.
by LalaHeat November 13, 2021
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A yellow cube that watches people.
Bo Frei don't play.
by Set Blue 23 October 3, 2017
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