When several men line up shoulder to shoulder and time an ejaculation on a victim down range, similar to firing range executions from the 1700s. Related to the bukkake.
by Glock the Cock July 16, 2015
When a bunch of men line up shoulder to shoulder and time a massive ejaculation on a victim blindfolded some distance away. Named for the similarly to the firing squads used by the British in the late 1700s.
Paulo, Christian, Vertis and I decided to give some whore we found the British firing squad treatment.
by Glock the Cock July 14, 2015
There are a few ways to go about this, but the most efficient is to get directly behind your mate while executing the Rusty Chainsaw. Insert Anal Beads into your partner's stink hole. Place a blindfold over your eyes. Grab the end of the bead strand and pull outward fast in one quick motion. When last bead pops out, so too will a giant shit slug or greasy wet buckshot, which, based on good positioning, should hit you squarely in the chest. A real man takes it to the head.
by Luke McCullough April 17, 2008
When many people pour 1 shot each for somebody else, and make that person do all shots consecutively.
Person A: "Hey, how you feeling after the part last night?"
Person B: "Oh man I am hanging, they did a Firing-Squad on me"
Person B: "Oh man I am hanging, they did a Firing-Squad on me"
by TheTrollmeister January 23, 2022
When your squad goes to a public bathroom and begin urinating at the same time, creating a loud urination noise.
by Tiko IWNL September 3, 2018
Firing Squad (verb): The act of playing loud porn to mask the sounds of you having sex, so that your roommates can sleep soundly not knowing which is which.
by LowFrequencyDeity November 13, 2020
People who in a figure of speech execute colleagues by sending an attacking email containing critique or feedback, whilst cc-ing as many (senior) colleagues as possible. By doing so, they lower a person's self-esteem, position in the team and try to be perceived as knowledgable/responsible.
"She sent me this email telling me she's afraid I'm not going to make a deadline and pointing out I forgot two small tasks. She even cc'd my team and team manager. She's definitely part of the cc firing squad."
by stevegek November 27, 2019