Chekhov’s Firing Squad

A Chekhov’s Firing Squad is when a TV show or movie has almost no plot in the first several episodes, and then proceeds to pull all triggers at once. The way that this turns out is a show feeling bland, with presumably filler episodes for most of the season, though these episode actually build foreshadowing and silent plot. These small, unnoticed details go completely unheard or said, until they all hit you at once like a freight train.
Bro, that show was a Chekhov’s Firing Squad!”
by Theomunstroa May 20, 2023
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Circular firing squad

When people with a common enemy end up harming each other instead.
"With the more conservative wing actively attacking the centrists, the Republican caucus quickly devolved into a circular firing squad."
by genius3456 September 13, 2009
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Mexican Firing Squad

Where traditional firing squads assure the death of the captive, a Mexican Firing Squad is different. It is a strategic blunder, mistake, ill concieved plan, or it can be planned by an itiod in where the prisoner is surrounded by troops with weapons ready to fire, but the armed party is in a circle.

If you do not see where this causes the problem read on or you might find yourself in one someday; a circle is good for ring-around-the-rosey and for pioneers to circle wagons to shoot away from, but to fire in a circle means that a few bullets will go outside of the circle eventually and most likely hit somone on the other end.
The bank robber got away the second time when the Texas State Troopers formed a Mexican Firing Squad and killed eath other letting the 2-bit hood escape.
by santos miguelito September 21, 2006
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Russian Firing Squad

Gather Vladimir Putin and the whole Russian gymnastics team. Putin will then continuously mouth bang the whole team until he blows.
Gave em a Russian Firing Squad last night!
Russia Putin Penis blowjob
by WillieTrill May 5, 2015
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death by firing squad

When you are brutally shot to death by a firing squad after being convicted for a crime

Can also happen for other reasons
That guy is getting death by firing squad

by DeathByFiringSquad August 17, 2022
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circular firing squad

People involved in an idea or policy that is obviously self-defeating to everyone else but them. Used to described some group that is so clueless that one could show them a diesel engine and ask them to find the spark plugs.
The entire Bush administration and all others who decided to invade Iraq.
by federalq2b October 4, 2004
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Turkish Firing Squad

A person inserts 1 to 2 large bags of jelly beans into their rectum before standing above a blind-folded, second person and shooting them in the chest .
Hey man, where's the bathroom ? I got a Turkish Firing Squad on deck!
by thekwafer December 25, 2010
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