White outside, yellow inside. Describes a white/Caucasian person who has absorbed a lot of/has much respect for specific Asian cultures,to the point they become very culturally Asian themselves. Different from yellow fever, where a white/Caucasian person fetishizes Asian cultures on a very superficial level.
A: My professor has a PhD in Chinese classical paintings even though he's actually a white dude. He really appreciates traditional Chinese culture
B: Oh man, he's an egg
by Ddyradish September 3, 2020
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The movement of one's ass up and down whilst wearing a huge rucksack. Or to irritate one with annoying behavior.
person #1: Hey you! stop egging!
person #2: Now I'm going to egg further!
person #1: URGH you're so eggy.
by eggytoenail January 27, 2013
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top 10 sus
egg- sus
by sus definitions June 2, 2021
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awkward or out of place; creepy in a highly uncomfortable way.
Variations: eggster, eggsauce, eggish

a person, place, or thing that is awkward or out of place; a person, place, or thing that makes one highly uncomfortable.
Variations: eggster, eggsauce
Oh, my! That egg over there is lurking in the shadows...

Woahhhh...Why am I the only one who did not dress in costume for this party? I feel hella egg right now...
by Raemorg March 1, 2010
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The oval object that birds lay. Some you eat, some you leave to hatch. Also:

Slang for an Ecstacy Tablet.

Something an immature child calls another child as a supposed insult.
1) Matt: You're gay. Jahdon: Shutup you egg.
2) Hey man i'll give you an egg for $35
3) Wow, the chicken just laid an egg!
by [tEG] December 22, 2003
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