In the day of the olden, One was a old Dishonorable man that slay two rubbers and a child of light was born or so the tale goes.
"The Broken Rubber Of Earls could be considered a legacy piece or a sad sad sad mans tale."
by RotaryWorx March 29, 2019
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When a group of dominant males pull their goalies into a water gun, and the lesser male takes the gun to the nearby old folks home and sprays the oldest slut there
Rick, john, Mathew, Ryan, tony and mike all fired their knuckle children in this water gun! Make that bitch chew on their dirty earls!
by Ballsdeepinthatslut February 19, 2014
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After defecating into a toilet (do not flush), the person who has defeacated, put their sexual partners head in the toilet, while having intercourse with them from behind. As their head is in the toilet they start to puke. Making their body clinch, while the other person is inside of them.
While Becky's head was in the toilet, getting "Dirty Earl'ed" she started to rethink her life's decisions
by Bull Titan August 20, 2021
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Earl is the weirdest person ever and is a big swifty, he also is kinda mean and is a stalker.
by xjhcghsic January 21, 2022
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